Is there really an assessment whose results can help get a team unstuck?
Nearly all experienced managers have faced that question at one time or another in their careers. Most have wrestled with it more than once. And although there are many personal and team assessments that claim to provide useful insight and may even offer some assurance that the awareness gained through these tools will help propel teams forward, the reality is – as many of you know – that most increases in self-awareness are limited in their impact and provide no real path for sustainable growth.
Why is that? Why do these widely used tools fail to bring about the desired changes for the long haul? Do you know?
And a more important question…
What if there was a different type of assessment tool that not only identified leadership behaviors that could be leveraged, but also those that were holding people back and keeping them stuck?
The good news is that such a tool exists. And not only does this statistically validated assessment identify behaviors that can be changed (unlike static personality traits), it is the foundation of an entire process that has a proven track record for helping companies achieve business results previously unobtained.
Let us introduce you to the Teamalytics approach.
Over the last quarter of a century, the experienced team of business leaders, coaches, and researchers at Teamalytics have identified and developed a three-step process for getting individuals and teams out of the state of stuck. It all begins with a proven assessment that takes less than 10 minutes to administer.
We can help you and your teams get unstuck too.
Click HERE to find out more.